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Bond Defaults Deliver 99% Losses in New Era of... - Bloomberg


The loose lending terms that investors have agreed to mean that by the time corporations file for bankruptcy now, they’ve often exhausted their options for fixing their debt loads out of court.

Putin Offers NATO Missile Inspections in Bid to Reboot... - Bloomberg


President Vladimir Putin offered new missile verification measures to NATO countries following the U.S. withdrawal from a Cold War-era treaty as Russia seeks to preserve the collapsing framework of...

Liquid Telecom Raises $307 Million in African Data... - Bloomberg


Liquid Telecom has raised $307 million through a rights issue to fund a rapid expansion of its data center business across Africa.

Bloomberg Ethereum’s Rise is Speculative While Bitcoin’s Price Is...


In its August crypto outlook, Bloomberg remained unimpressed with Ethereum , calling its rally “speculative”. The publication contends, however...

Bloomberg: Ethereum’s Rise is Speculative While Bitcoin’s Price Is...


Bloomberg finds Ethreum’s bull run to be speculative while contending that Bitcoin’s appreciation is driven by fundamentals.



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Bloomberg: Ethereum’s Rise is Speculative While Bitcoin’s Price Is...


BTCUSD Bitcoin Bloomberg: Ethereum’s Rise is Speculative While Bitcoin’s Price Is Based on Fundamentals...

Free Bitcoins Faucet - Earn $100 free btc in 5 minutes


Free Bitcoin Faucet. Free Bitcoin Faucet is an absolutely free bitcoin place that gives you up to $100 btc in 5 minutes. Every time you visit the faucet, you can get the maximum number of Satoshis...

Как продолжить майнить Эфириум на видеокартах с 4 ГБ после...


Конец 2020 года будет непростым для майнеров Эфириума. Дело в том, что 16 декабря — то есть начиная с эпохи 382 — криптовалюту перестанут майнить все...

Зависла транзакция. Статус Pending | Ethereum форум.


https://etherscan.io/tx/0xdfa9589e8a94a1e656855cad07fda7dbc0c6eeefaca83c20575853481e2958c0 Висит в режиме pending. Странно себя ведёт (таймер сбивается)...

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