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Установка и настройка SSSD для... - INFOIT.COM.UA


Установка и настройка SSSD для аутентификации OpenLDAP в Fedora 32/31/30 Из этого учебного пособия вы узнаете, как установить и настроить SSSD для.

PHP MySQL Select Data


PHP Echo / Print PHP Data Types PHP Strings PHP Numbers PHP Math PHP Constants PHP Operators PHP If...Else...Elseif PHP Switch PHP Loops.

Журнал PostgreSQL. Настройка и анализ - Sysadminium


В этой статье разберём журнал PostgreSQL, а именно как его настраивать, что в него можно записывать и как его анализировать. Если помните при запуске PostgreSQL, мы указали файл журнала: pg_ctl start -l /home/postgres/logfile . В этот журнал PostgreSQL записывает некоторые...

User Management System with PHP & MySQL | WD


profile.php: Display admin profile. user_list.php: Display user list, add new user, edit and delete user. Step1: Create MySQL Database Table.

PHP: usleep - Manual


The win32api-method is also a no-go ... after calling the Sleep function a few hundred times (during which memory usage will also go up every time due to a memory leak somewhere), PHP will cause an exception and Windows will terminate it. I have given up - I don't think there is any viable solution to...

database - Kill a postgresql session/connection - Stack Overflow


SELECT pg_terminate_backend(pid) FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE -- don't kill my own connection! pid <> pg_backend_pid() -- don't kill the connections to other databases AND datname = 'database_name'

How To Use Journalctl to View and Manipulate Systemd... | DigitalOcean


journalctl -u nginx.service -u php-fpm.service --since today. This can make it much easier to spot the interactions between different programs and debug systems instead of individual processes.

Three Ways to Lock and Unlock User Account in Linux | 2DayGeek


uid=2240(daygeek) gid=2243(daygeek) groups=2243(daygeek),2244(ladmin). Method-1: How to lock, unlock and check status of the user account using passwd command? The passwd command is one of the frequently used command by Linux administrator’s to update user’s authentication tokens in the...

Ubuntu Manpage: ps - report a snapshot of the current processes.


of ps. The following user-defined format specifiers may contain spaces: args, cmd, comm, command, fname, ucmd, ucomm, lstart, bsdstart, start.



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