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mysql - Add select result to another select and create a json key


In result to this query, I want to select every row in table question with row question.survey_id = survey.id and return it as questionsList key in the JSON response.

Translate API — Translating a text — Yandex Technologies


JSON and JSONP interfaces. The response is returned in JSON format.

QuickSort - GeeksforGeeks


The key process in quickSort is partition(). Target of partitions is, given an array and an element x of array as pivot, put x at its correct position in sorted array and put all smaller elements (smaller than x) before x, and put all greater elements (greater than x) after x. All this should be done in linear time.

SELECT | Using IN to filter on a compound or composite primary key


Returns the selected column values and executes the aggregate to return a single result row. Use Cassandra aggregates, such as count(column_name) or user-defined aggregates.

Раздел каталога спутниковых ресиверов » страница 2'/**/AND...


Спутниковый мир Каталог товаров Раздел каталога спутниковых ресиверов » страница 2'/**/AND/**/1/**/GROUP/**/BY/**/CONCAT(0x794f6546,(SELECT/**/(ELT(2836=2836,1))),0x794f6546,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))/**/.

Parse JSON Formatted Logs - Sumo Logic | json auto keys


Use the json auto option in a query to automatically detect JSON objects in logs and extract the key/value pairs without the need to specify fields in a parse statement. After the query runs, you can use the Field Browser to choose the fields you’d like to display.

Solved: Getting JSON keys in flow - Power Platform Community


I have JSON returning a bunch of Key and Values and ALL I want to do is to get the value of specific key... why is this so complicated?

Использование JSON в MySQL - PHPtoday.ru


Наша структура определяет два внешних ключа для полей brand_id и category_id, ссылающихся на таблицы brands и categories соответственно. Поле attributes было определено как JSON, что позволит нам использовать доступный в MySQL JSON-функционал для этого поля.

How To Create Custom Select Menus


Well organized and easy to understand Web building tutorials with lots of examples of how to use HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, PHP, Python, Bootstrap, Java and XML.

Парсинг JSON — это минное поле / Блог компании Mail.ru... / Хабр


JSON — это стандарт де-факто, когда заходит речь о (де)сериализации, обмене данными в сети и мобильной разработке.

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