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Похожие запросы: nk inc lolking'a=0. The Inner League, Episode #2: NK Inc - League of Legends. www.lolking.net.
Andrew "Nk Inc" Erickson was previously the jungler for Girlfriends. Andrew is from Prior Lake, Minnesota. Andrew grew up as a Halo player, and from there he expanded to other console games. He and his friends always dreamed of becoming pro at Halo.
Andrew "Nk Inc" Erickson was previously the jungler for compLexity.Red. Andrew is from Prior Lake, Minnesota. Andrew grew up as a Halo player, and from there he expanded to other console games. He and his friends always dreamed of becoming pro at Halo.
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In the second episode of the Inner League, Matt talks to Velocity eSports' jungler, Andrew "NK Inc" Erickson about Velocity's Summer Split, jungle philosophy and what's ahead for
Nk Inc Jungle Ezreal Amazing Dragon Steal - Casters Scream - Продолжительность: 0:22 OPLOLReplay - LoL LCS LCK Esports Highlights 2 740 просмотров.
In the second episode of The Inner League, we talk to Velocity eSports' jungler, Andrew "NK Inc" Erickson.
The latest Tweets from LolKing.net (@LolKing). The one stop shop for all your #Leagueoflegends stats, news, and entertainment needs! Check match histories and builds, lookup summoners, and get good!