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PostgreSQL: How to figure out missing... - Stack Overflow


...insert into results (commandid) select * from generate_series(1,1000); delete from results where random() < 0.20; This works: SELECT s.i AS missing_cmd FROM generate_series(0,1000) s(i) WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM results WHERE...

sql - Querying count on daily basis with date... - Stack Overflow


FROM (SELECT '2014-10-31'::date - 1 AS day) d -- effective date here , Generate_series(0,3) w ). W JOIN requests r ON r."date" BETWEEN w_start AND w_end GROUP BY w.w, r.accounts_id HAVING sum(r.amount) > 10 ) sub GROUP BY 1 HAVING count(*) = 4; Step 1. In the innermost subquery w...

Calculate rolling sum over 7 consecutive day period on PostgreSQL


SELECT curr_date, SUM(count). FROM generate_series (curr_date-8, curr_date-1, '1 day'::interval) d. LEFT JOIN m.ping AS p ON p.date = d.

postgresql - Difficult categorising of rows - Database...


SELECT subcategory(t) FROM task t; You can use this however in any part of the select statement including the where clause.

count_distinct/create-tables.sql at master · tvondra/count_distinct...


INSERT INTO small_1 SELECT i, i FROM generate_series(1,100000) s(i); -- different cardinality (second column 10 values).

PostgreSQL: Documentation: 12: 9.24. Set Returning Functions


Generate a series of values, from start to stop with a step size of step. When step is positive, zero rows are returned if start is greater than stop.

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION generate_random(count integer...)


from generate_series(1, 1000). ; CREATE EXTENSION permuteseq; CREATE TABLE uniq_tstamp(t timestamp)

Полезные трюки PostgreSQL / Хабр


Это можно сделать с помощью generate_series.

Postgres Randomized Primary Keys - emerson_lackey - Medium


Before we can use our handy random ID generating cipher, we need to register it as a function within Postgres. In this case we are actually going to register two separate functions. One that generates the “random” ID, and the other that ensures we respect the min/max bounds. These functions are written...

Indexing and Querying Postgres Hstore


INSERT INTO entity(store) SELECT ''::hstore FROM generate_series(6000001,10000000) AS i

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