13 дек 2013 ... 10 myths about Kazakhstan - Duration: 9:37. Danila Nikolski USA 98,200 views · 9:37 · Блогер из России на центральной площади Республики Казахстан в Астане - своим ходом по Азии - Duration: 28:28. Radik Aibashev 66,893 views · 28:28. Why Nazarbayev converts Kazakh language to the Latin ...
On July 6, 1994, the Supreme Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan decided to move the capital from Almaty to Akmola. On December 10, 1997, the capital was .... The capital city is the heart of our motherland, the symbol of people's confidence in their own strength and great mission. Nowadays representatives of more ...
Hosting EXPO-2017 International Specialized Exhibition in Astana is one of the key projects of Kazakhstan. The initiative to host a large scale event in the capital of the country belongs to President Nursultan Nazarbayev. On June 10, 2011 Kazakhstan's bid was officially presented in Paris to the Secretary General of the ...
The modern city of Shymkent has a population of more than half-million people and is one of the top three cities in Kazakhstan, simultaneously being the industrial, trading and cultural center of the South Kazakhstan Region (SKR). Shymkent with its rich history and culture emerged on the crossing of caravan roads as one ...
Astana is the capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan. It is the third largest city in the country with population over 800 000. In 1999 Astana was awarded the title of the City of Peace by UNESCO.
Uzbekistan borders on Kazakhstan, Kirghizia, Tajikistan and Turkmenia. In the South Uzbekistan borders on Afghanistan. The Republic consists of 12 regions and the Karakalpak Republic. There are about 80 towns and 86 settlements of urban type here. The climate is continental. A great number of bright sunny days are ...
Названия тем: National culture of Belarus; From the history of Belarus; Why Am I Proud of My Country; The republic of Belarus (3 штуки) ..... 92 слайда. (Автор и выходные данные не указаны). Geography and politics of the Republic of Kazakhstan,the USA and the UK. Викторина, вопросы, информация. №51; 6,08 МБ ...
According to the researches Sauran existed in VII-XVIII centuries. Kyzylorda region is the motherland of especially honored in all Turkic world, ancient thinker, musician and humanist Korkyt Ata. There are many cemeteries with mausoleums - monuments to the heroes, sages, poets and philosophers of the Kazakh people.
Республикалық 45minut.kz басылымы 2017-2018 оқу жылы. ЖҰМЫС ЖОСПАРЫ. Ұстаздар және Оқушылар топтамасы ай сайын шығады. Материал тұрақты қабылдануда. Байланыс: 87770876843 E-mail: 45@ 45minut.kz. РЕДАКЦИЯ ТӨСБЕЛГІЛЕРІ · Республикалық 45minut.kz басылымы · Тақырыбы: ...
Love to Motherland infused in family hearth! Person without Motherland is a nightingale without forest! Better be an ordinary man in one’s land, than a sultan in a foreign land!
3.It is one of the mineral resources of Kazakhstan. 4.Famous Kazakh poet. 5.The first Kazakh astronaut.
Похожие презентации: Kazakhstan. Nature preserves of coastal areas.
}Kazakhstan is my. Motherland. }Welcome to our lesson.
Kazakhstan is my motherland. I love it very much. Its lovely fields with green on it. And mountains with snow on top. I love its lakes with rare birds. And rustling leaves on trees. My motherland, my Kazakhstan. Do live and shine forever! There is no place like home!
«Иностранцы о Казахстане». Slide 2. The people of Kazakhstan should use equally the three languages: Kazakh, Russian and English.
Конспект урока "Моя Родина - Казахстан" (5 класс). Просмотр файла: kazakhstan is my motherland слайд.ppt. Открыть весь материал.
Слайд 1. -Today we’ll have an unusual lesson. The theme of our brain ring is «Менің отаным — Қазақстан», «Моя Родина — Казахстан», «My Motherland — Kazakhstan».
Главная » Статьи » Презентация на казахском языке » Шет тілі. Kazakhstan is my Motherland слайд,презентация. Оқушылар,студенттер,мұғалімдер,сайт қолданушылары өз материалыңызбен бөліссеңіз қуанышты болатын едік!
Родина my motherland. Слайд 6 из презентации «Казахстан урок» к урокам географии на тему «Казахстан».