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999999.9" //union//all //select //cast(0x393133353134353632312e39...)


Union select null, null, null, null, null, null, null from information_schema.tables. for a small database containing three tables. this instruction is used

sql injection "union select null" - CodeProject | To display as


Union select null, null, null, null, null, null, null from information_schema.tables. for a small database containing three tables. this instruction is used in sql injection I tried it and it worked but I didn't really know how it works can somebody help me...

Null character - Wikipedia


The null character (also null terminator or null byte) is a control character with the value zero. It is present in many character sets, including ISO/IEC 646 (or ASCII), the C0 control code, the Universal Coded Character Set (or Unicode), and EBCDIC.

security - Sql injection can someone explain this code... - Stack Overflow


What I would like to know why "999999.9", what is "0x39313335313435363237322e39". When this attack works what information would the hackers have or edits would they have done to the database. Last could this attack run over and over again bring down/crash the server?

999999.9 /**/union/**/all /**/select /**/cast...


Select char_length(cast('123456789 1' as varchar(10))) from rdb$database. Получаем: Exception ... string truncation Т.е. пробел мы обрезать можем, а другие символы нет. Так и должно быть или нет?

Заметка про NULL / Хабр | select col from ttt where col is not null


Существуют специальные операторы IS NULL и IS NOT NULL, которые позволяют производить сравнения с NULLами. IS NULL вернёт истину, если операнд имеет значение NULL и ложь, если он им не является.

Шпаргалка по SQL инъекциям | DefconRU


Синтаксис: 0xHEX_ЧИСЛО (SM): SELECT CHAR(0x66) (S) SELECT 0x5045 (это не число, а строка) (M) SELECT 0x50 + 0x45

Are there reasons to assign NULL instead of 0 to non-pointer variables?


on some machines a NULL is not 0, so assigning NULL to a non pointer variable generates trash.

COALESCE: SQL возвращает первое не-NULL значение


Тогда значение столбца Sales пусто (NULL). В первом случае функция COALESCE возвращает значение Salary*12, во втором - Comm*Sales, в третьем - 0. Итак, для вычисления годового дохода сотрудников пишем следующий запрос с использованием функции COALESCE

NULL (Си) — Википедия


NULL в языках программирования Си и C++ — макрос, объявленный в заголовочном файле stddef.h (и других заголовочных файлах).

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"><script >alert(string.fromcharcode(88,83,83))</script>|xss|[kz] kazakstan|08/18/2020 17:41:56|') and 1=1 union all select 1,null,'<script>alert("xss")</script>',table_name from information_schema.tables where 2>1--/**/; exec xp_cmdshell('cat ../../../et
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999999.9 /union/all /select /**/union/**/all/**/select/**/null,null,null,null,null,null,null--/**/mdtn/cast(0x393133353134353632312e39 as char),/cast(0x393133353134353632322e39 as char),/cast(0x393133353134353632332e39 as char),/cast(0x393133353134 на YouTube:

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