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SQL-Injection-Payloads/sqli-misc.txt at master...



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SQL Injection Bypassing WAF - OWASP


• SQL Injection into a String/Char parameter Example: SELECT * from table where example = 'Example' •. SQL Injection into a Numeric parameter Example: SELECT * from table where id = 123. Exploitation of SQL Injection vulnerabilities is divided into classes according to the DBMS type and...

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What I would like to know why "999999.9", what is "0x39313335313435363237322e39". When this attack works what information would the hackers have or edits would they have done to the database. Last could this attack run over and over again bring down/crash the server?

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Внедрение SQL-кода — Википедия


1.3 Использование UNION + group_concat(). 1.4 Экранирование хвоста запроса. 1.5 Расщепление SQL-запроса.

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