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sql server - Case with multiple conditions - Database Administrators...


,CASE WHEN i.DocValue ='F2' AND c.CondCode IN ('ZPR0','ZT10','Z305') THEN c.CondVal ELSE 0 END as Value. There are two types of CASE statement, SIMPLE and SEARCHED. You cannot evaluate multiple expressions in a Simple case expression, which is what you were attempting to do.



There are two main benefits of combining select with case: Flexible organizational format for displaying query results. It effectively avoids multiple visits to the same table or several tables.

Условная логика, оператор CASE


Условная логика в SQL, использование оператор CASE WHEN THEN END.

PostgreSQL CASE Expressions: If-else in Select Query


The CASE expression can be used with SELECT, WHERE, GROUP BY, and HAVING clauses.

SQL Server CASE Statement and CASE WHEN Examples


In SQL scripting, we can use Case expressions or Case Statements as you may call them, to create a derived column based on a condition. Also read about Nested Case Statements in SQL Server . Let us first execute a sample database creation script that we will be using in our examples

MySQL CASE with WHEN , THEN to match value or condition with...


ELSE 'Ground floor' END AS location FROM `student` ORDER BY location. Second Type (Matching condition with CASE statement). In this case we don't specify any value or data to be matched, instead we work on testing some conditions and if it is True then respective statement is to be executed.

SQL-запросы. Условный оператор CASE...WHEN...THEN


Однако, в рамках данной статьи я рассмотрю именно второй вариант, так как у него не возникает проблем с ситуациями вроде CASE WHEN NULL (null в рамках БД не является конкретным значением, поэтому его нельзя использовать в switch подобном операторе).

Fetch different columns conditionally using MySQL CASE | TechBriefers


2.2 2. Select columns based on condition. MySQL CASE is simply a sequence of one or more IF else conditions. The CASE statement is set of conditions and return a value when a certain condition is true (like an IF-THEN-ELSE statement).

SQL Server CASE statement - SQL Server Tutorial


THEN – SQL keyword to indicate the consequence or consequential value for an instance specified by WHEN. result – the corresponding value that goes with an instance specified by WHEN. ELSE – SQL keyword to escape a CASE and specify a result if no case conditions are met.

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