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sql - Select inside CASE THEN - Stack Overflow


I need to select the project rate or shift rate that has the effective date less than today. SELECT CASE WHEN ISNULL(s.rate,0) = 0 THEN SELECT TOP 1 pr.rate FROM ProjectRates pr WHERE (pr.projectID = p.ID) AND (pr.effectiveDate < GETDATE()) ORDER BY pr.effectiveDate DESC...

Using CASE to Add Logic to a SELECT | LearnSQL.com


The simple way to achieve this goal is to add a CASE expression to your SELECT statement. In this article, we'll introduce you to the syntax, formats, and uses of the CASE expression. The CASE expression is a conditional expression: it evaluates data and returns a result.

VBA Select Case Statement - Automate Excel


Case Select – And / Or – Multiple Conditions. Nested Case Statements.

SQL-запросы. Условный оператор CASE...WHEN...THEN


WHEN bool_expressionN THEN valueN ELSE valueElse END.

SQL CASE Expression


The CASE expression goes through conditions and returns a value when the first condition is met (like an if-then-else statement).

MySQL CASE Expressions Explained By Practical Examples


MySQL CASE expression is a control flow structure that allows you to add if-else logic to a query. Generally speaking, you can use the CASE expression anywhere that allows a valid expression e.g., SELECT, WHERE and ORDER BY clauses.



The result of the query is as follows: In this example, we used the CASE expression to return 1 or 0 if the rental rate falls into each price segment.

PostgreSQL CASE with Examples - DatabaseFAQs.com


Now when we type the column name with the exact case then the CASE expression processes the data accordingly.

Case Statement using SQL (examples included) – Data to Fish


Here are 3 different ways to apply a case statement using SQL: (1) For a single condition: CASE WHEN condition_1 THEN result_1 ELSE result_2 END AS new_field_name.

VBA SELECT CASE Statement (Test Multiple Conditions)


In SELECT CASE, you can specify one condition and then specify a code to execute if that condition is true and then specify a second condition and a.

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