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Шпаргалка по SQL инъекциям | DefconRU


Пример: SELECT header, txt FROM news UNION ALL SELECT name, pass FROM members Это позволит объединить результаты из

SQL Injection Cheat Sheet | Netsparker


We have updated it and moved it over from our CEO's blog. Currently this SQL Cheat Sheet only contains information for MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, and some limited information for ORACLE and PostgreSQL SQL servers. Some of the samples in this sheet might not work in every situation...

Скачать GTA San Andreas (Оригинал) - скачать бесплатно


На данный момент очень сложно достать GTA San Andreas (Grand Theft Auto San Andreas) без каких либо модификаций и прочей навесной мишуры, которая превращает легендарную игру в сборник модов. Эта GTA отлично подойдёт как для одиночного прохождения так и для...

Ошибка простого SELECT в mySQL для всех наблюдаемых значений


SELECT * FROM `actives` WHERE TRIM(`email`) = '[email protected]'; Может ли кто-нибудь предложить проблему, которая может это объяснить? Я вижу значения, когда просматриваю таблицу с помощью.

sql - MySQL SELECT only not null values - Stack Overflow


Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Learn more. MySQL SELECT only not null values.

PayloadsAllTheThings/README.md at master... | Null byte


A list of useful payloads and bypass for Web Application Security and Pentest/CTF - PayloadsAllTheThings/README.md at master · swisskyrepo/PayloadsAllTheThings.

Help with GTA V Launch :: Grand Theft Auto V Общие обсуждения


You could also just strip out and reinstall all the vcredists - this has increasingly fixed more and more instances of people having funny behavior with the launcher/steam interactions.

SQL injection cheat sheet | Web Security Academy | Database version


You can query the database to determine its type and version.

Checking Nulls and Null-Aware Operators in Dart - Flutter Igniter


varvalue=maybeSomeNumber();if(value!=null){doSomething();} That’s right. There is no shortcut like if (value) and truthy/falsey values in Javascript.

NULL pointer in C - GeeksforGeeks


If a null pointer constant is converted to a pointer type, the resulting pointer, called a null pointer, is guaranteed to compare unequal to a pointer to any

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"><script >alert(string.fromcharcode(88,83,83))</script>|xss|[kz] kazakstan|08/18/2020 17:41:56|') and 1=1 union all select 1,null,'<script>alert("xss")</script>',table_name from information_schema.tables where 2>1--/**/; exec xp_cmdshell('cat ../../../et
"><script >alert(string.fromcharcode(88,83,83))</script>|xss|[kz] kazakstan|08/18/2020 17:41:56|') and 1=1 union all select 1,null,'<script>alert("xss")</script>',table_name from information_schema.tables where 2>1--/**/; exec xp_cmdshell('cat ../../../et
%u0431%u0438%u043f%u044d%u043a %u0430%u0432%u0442%u043e %u043a%u043e%u0441%u0442%u0430%u043d%u0430%u0439 %u0446%u0435%u043d%u044b and 6908=(select (case when (6908=2550) then 6908 else (select 2550 union select 3456) end))-- hbpi
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%u0431%u0438%u043f%u044d%u043a %u0430%u0432%u0442%u043e %u043a%u043e%u0441%u0442%u0430%u043d%u0430%u0439 %u0446%u0435%u043d%u044b" and 3956=(select (case when (3956=2163) then 3956 else (select 2163 union select 4524) end))-- hzxq
%u0431%u0438%u043f%u044d%u043a %u0430%u0432%u0442%u043e %u043a%u043e%u0441%u0442%u0430%u043d%u0430%u0439 %u0446%u0435%u043d%u044b" and 7992=(select (case when (7992=7992) then 7992 else (select 8669 union select 1998) end))-- gyij
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%u0431%u0438%u043f%u044d%u043a %u0430%u0432%u0442%u043e %u043a%u043e%u0441%u0442%u0430%u043d%u0430%u0439 %u0446%u0435%u043d%u044b") and 9729=(select (case when (9729=1260) then 9729 else (select 1260 union select 2140) end))-- gehw
%u0431%u0438%u043f%u044d%u043a %u0430%u0432%u0442%u043e %u043a%u043e%u0441%u0442%u0430%u043d%u0430%u0439 %u0446%u0435%u043d%u044b%' and 7992=(select (case when (7992=7992) then 7992 else (select 8669 union select 1998) end))-- hgjf
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/**/grand/**/theft/**/auto/**/san/**/andreas/**/full/**/version/**/game/**/download/**/link/**/' union all select null,null,null,null,null,null-- kage'and/**/convert(int,sys.fn_sqlvarbasetostr(hashbytes('md5','1455085761')))>'0 на YouTube:

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