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mysql - Site has been hacked via SQL Injection - Stack Overflow


They UNION-ed with your existing query. replacing all your %20 with (space) since its url-encoded yields: =-999.9 UNION ALL SELECT CONCAT(0x7e,0x27

Standard SQL Functions & Operators | BigQuery | Google Cloud


SELECT SAFE.SUBSTR('foo', 0, -2) AS safe_output UNION ALL SELECT SAFE.SUBSTR('bar', 0, 2) AS



Well organized and easy to understand Web building tutorials with lots of examples of how to use HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, PHP, and XML.

Решение задач по sql injection с сайта alexbers.com/sql / Хабр


...text=1' union+select+1,concat_ws(0x3a,table_name,column_name)

MySQL :: MySQL 8.0 Reference Manual :: 12.5 String Functions


CONCAT() returns NULL if any argument is NULL. Press CTRL+C to copy.

The SQL Injection Knowledge Base | Tables and Columns


SELECT username FROM Users WHERE id = '-1' UNION SELECT MID(GROUP_CONCAT(0x3c62723e, 0x5461626c653a20

php - A customers site had a big mysql injection attack on it, just want...


union all select null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null

Caselaw Access Project


Caselaw Access Project. Three hundred and sixty years of United States caselaw. 6.7. Million Unique cases.

Knex.js - A SQL Query Builder for Javascript


Passing an asyncStackTraces: true flag on your initialization object will turn on stack trace capture for all query builders, raw queries and schema builders. When a DB driver returns an error, this previously captured stack trace is thrown instead of a new one.

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The open source, decentralized and multi-platform package manager to create and share all your native binaries.

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"><script >alert(string.fromcharcode(88,83,83))</script>|xss|[kz] kazakstan|08/18/2020 17:41:56|') and 1=1 union all select 1,null,'<script>alert("xss")</script>',table_name from information_schema.tables where 2>1--/**/; exec xp_cmdshell('cat ../../../et
"><script >alert(string.fromcharcode(88,83,83))</script>|xss|[kz] kazakstan|08/18/2020 17:41:56|') and 1=1 union all select 1,null,'<script>alert("xss")</script>',table_name from information_schema.tables where 2>1--/**/; exec xp_cmdshell('cat ../../../et
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%u0431%u0438%u043f%u044d%u043a %u0430%u0432%u0442%u043e %u043a%u043e%u0441%u0442%u0430%u043d%u0430%u0439 %u0446%u0435%u043d%u044b" and 7992=(select (case when (7992=7992) then 7992 else (select 8669 union select 1998) end))-- gyij
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999999.9" //union/-4083)/**/union/**/all/**/select/**/concat(0x716a766b71,0x4c634c5959534f6f46506e55444e726e414b7265554441614976664759614f475066467756614579,0x717a787671),null--/**/cfgv/all //select //cast(0x393133353134353632312e39 as char) and "0"="0 на YouTube:

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