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10.19.2 Коды символов ASCII | Char


Другие символы. NUL. Null. (No character- нет данных). Используется для передачи в случае отсутствия данных.

c - check the null terminating character in char* - Stack Overflow


I was just trying to see how to check for the null terminating character in the char * array but I failed. I can find the length using the for loop

strcat() and null chars question | Forum


char *strcat(char *dest, const char *src); ... The strcat() function appends the src string to the dest string, overwriting the terminating null byte ('\0') at the end of dest, and then adds a terminating null byte.

initializing char arrays to null | Forum


> char array[SIZE] = {0}; Nothing wrong with this. It just assumes that the remaining SIZE-1 elements are also zero, so that's it, job done.

CHAR(x) vs. VARCHAR(x) vs. VARCHAR vs. TEXT... * from depesz


dropdb test 2> /dev/NULL.

Должна ли пустая строка (char, varchar) считаться аналогом NULL?


У NULL слишком важное значение в теории баз данных чтобы его заменить на пустое значение.

remove \0 from char * - C++ Forum


strung=NULL; /* functions used to make up for my diminished.

C++ Libraries, String and Standard Template Library


C-string (null-terminated char array) can be declared as char* or char[]. This is because C treats an array name as a pointer to the first element of the array.

CAST and CONVERT (Transact-SQL) - SQL Server | Microsoft Docs


Ken Sanchez NULL * Terri Duffy NULL * Roberto Tamburello NULL * Rob Walters NULL * Gail Erickson Ms. * (5 row(s) affected). When you convert data types that differ in decimal places, SQL Server will sometimes return a truncated result value, and at other times it will return a rounded value.

set char to null or the equivalent of zero


Is there a way to set a char variable to 0 or null or something so that it will basically reset my control variable.

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